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Systematyczne pobieranie treści, danych lub informacji z tej strony internetowej (web scraping), jak również eksploracja tekstu i danych (TDM) (w tym pobieranie i eksploracyjna analiza danych ...

Rola Jodie Foster w "Taksówkarzu" po latach budzi sporo kontrowersji, gdyż aktorka zagrała w nim młodocianą prostytutkę, mając zaledwie 12 lat. Foster po latach wyznała, że czuła się na ...

Jodie Foster puts her formidable intelligence to good use in Robert Zemeckis's thought-provoking interpretation of Carl Sagan's novel. She plays Dr Ellie Arroway, a scientist who has been ...

Filmowa Iris zdradziła, jak wyglądało kręcenie klasyka Martina Scorsese – filmu "Taksówkarz" z 1976 r. Jodie Foster wspominała, że nikt, łącznie z reżyserem nie wiedzieli, jak podejść do jej roli — ...

Jodie Foster had a very special guest at her hand and footprint ceremony at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood on Friday – her wife, Alexandra Hedison. The 61-year-old actress has been ...

Oscar winner Jodie Foster (61) got down on one knee in Hollywood and was immortalized alongside many other stars from the film industry. It was a very special day for her, and not just because of ...

Jodie Foster leaves her mark in cement while being honored at hand and footprint ceremony at the TCL Chinese Theatre on her 10-year wedding anniversary. (April 19) Yahoo Finance ...

Jodie Foster has celebrated her 10 year wedding anniversary. The two-time Oscar winner marked the milestone on the same day she got to leave her legacy in cement outside the TCL Chinese Theatre in ...

Emma McIntyre/Getty Jodie Foster is celebrating a career milestone with her wife. The actress, 61, got her hands and feet plastered into the ground outside the TCL Chinese Theatre on Friday ...

OTTAWA — One of Canada's leading disability scholars is quitting a federal advisory board, saying the government failed to properly fund the disability benefit. Michael Prince, a professor of social ...

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