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Large bitcoin investors substantially increased their holdings as prices dipped below $60,000 in early Friday's panicky action on the crypto markets ahead of the asset's much-anticipated halving event ...

Investors are anticipating the bitcoin (BTC-USD) halving event in the near future, as soon as this weekend. The price of bitcoin has retreated from its recent highs and is currently trading above $64, ...

Wzrost Bitcoina o 7,6% na przestrzeni ostatnich kilku dni doprowadził ceny do poziomu 72 747 dolarów i wywołał powszechne spekulacje na temat przyczyn - Aktualności ...

These "epic sats" that follow halvings are seen as collector's items, and some mining executives have suggested that this individual fragment of a bitcoin could be worth millions of dollars ...

Investing.com - Po skorzystaniu z bardziej gołębiego niż oczekiwano posiedzenia Fed w środę, bitcoin zmniejszył wczoraj swoje zyski i wydaje się mało prawdopodobne, aby w piątek rano ...

Bitcoin drożeje, bo inwestorzy boją się obniżki stóp Posiadacze Bitcoinów wycofali 37 000 BTC między 17 listopada a 1 grudnia, co sugeruje, że przejęli bezpośrednią opiekę nad swoimi ...

The bitcoin halving event (BTC-USD) is approaching, likely to occur over this weekend and decrease the reward for bitcoin mining operators. Could the crypto asset stand to face even more pricing ...

Now, it’s time to say hello to a new era of DeFi Summer, this time centering on the most buzzworthy yet also durable trends: Bitcoin. With Ordinals proving demand, exchange-traded fundes (ETFs) ...

Bitcoin, the largest and most talked about digital asset, has been on a rollercoaster of a ride since its launch in January 2009. With a market capitalisation that reached a high of more than US$1.4 ...

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, few events hold as much weight and anticipation as Bitcoin 's ( BTC 1.11%) halving. Programmed into the Bitcoin protocol, this event occurs roughly every ...

The next Bitcoin halving is projected to take place this week, around. This major event can drastically affect the price of Bitcoin. Whether you’re considering investing in... The post What Is Bitcoin ...

wartość rynkowa wszystkich bitcoinów w obiegu przekroczyła poziom 1 bln dolarów. Kurs najpopularniejszej kryptowaluty przekroczył natomiast poziom 51 tys. dolarów. Od początku roku bitcoin zyskał już ...

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