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W wpisie na platformie TradingView z 5 kwietnia analityk rynku oparł analizę na konfrontacji cykli niedźwiedzi i byków z krzywą wzrostu logarytmicznego Bitcoina (LGC). Uwaga inwestorów skupia się na ...

Treść artykułu dostarczona przez Partnera w ramach współpracy komercyjnej. Bitcoin zbliża się do swojej najwyższej jak dotąd wartości. Ten wzrost sprawił, że społeczność kryptowalutowa zaczęła ...

Tak wynika z najnowszego raportu ARK Invest “The Bitcoin Monthly”, obejmującego wydarzenia z marca 2024 roku. Cena BTC osiągnęła w marcu nowy rekord wszech czasów (ATH) na poziomie 73 737 USD, co ...

A higher hashrate means increased security ... centralized hash rates may not enhance network security significantly. In today’s news, Bitcoin hashrate returns near ATH, indicating a surge in mining ...

The total fees shot up dramatically, exceeding the Ordinals frenzy in December and just short of the all-time highs (ATH ... mint tokens on the Bitcoin chain. Unlike Ordinals inscriptions, however, ...

This is according to ARK Invest’s latest report, “The Bitcoin Monthly,” covering the events of March 2024. BTC’s price reached a new all-time high (ATH) of $73,737 in March, marking an approximately ...

There are no surprises with Bitcoin's pre-programmed event. But which forces will drive Bitcoin selling and buying pressures?

A campaign is underway to time the Bitcoin halving with 4/20, in recognition of cryptocurrency's counter cultural spirit.

Amid his warnings against investing in Bitcoin, Peter Schiff has made another comparison between gold and the original c.

The upcoming Bitcoin halving is expected to make a significant impact on crypto trading markets as Ethereum faces considerable competition.

The highly anticipated Bitcoin Halving event is close, bringing with it heightened expectations regarding the long-term impact on the Bitcoin price.  There are concerns, however, that this ...

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